
Set up and manage geofences for your trackable devices with the AirPinpoint API.

Beta Feature: Geofencing is currently in beta and available only for business users. Updated: 2025-01-09 - Added support for multiple airtags and devices in a geofence.


The Geofencing endpoints allow you to create, manage, and monitor geofences for your trackable devices.

List Geofences

Retrieve a list of all geofences.


GET /v1/geofences

Query Parameters

  • skip: Number of items to skip (for pagination, default: 0)
  • limit: Maximum number of items to return (1-100, default: 20)
  • trackable_id: Optional ID to filter geofences for a specific trackable

Example Request

curl -X GET "" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"

Example Response

    "id": "geofence_789012",
    "name": "Home",
    "authUserId": "user_123",
    "latitude": 37.7749,
    "longitude": -122.4194,
    "radius": 100,
    "createdAt": "2023-06-15T17:00:00Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-06-15T17:00:00Z",
    "trackableId": ["tag_123456", "tag_789012"],

Create a Geofence

Create a new geofence for multiple trackable devices of the same type.


POST /v1/geofences

Request Body

  name: string;
  latitude: number;
  longitude: number;
  radius: number;
  trackableId: string[];  // Array of trackable IDs
  notifyType?: string;    // Optional notification type
  notifyDestination?: string;  // Optional notification destination

Example Request

curl -X POST "" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
       "name": "Home",
       "latitude": 37.7749,
       "longitude": -122.4194,
       "radius": 100,
       "trackableId": ["tag_123456", "tag_789012"]

Example Response

  "id": "geofence_789012",
  "name": "Home",
  "authUserId": "user_123",
  "latitude": 37.7749,
  "longitude": -122.4194,
  "radius": 100,
  "createdAt": "2023-06-15T17:00:00Z",
  "updatedAt": "2023-06-15T17:00:00Z",
  "trackableId": ["tag_123456", "tag_789012"],

Delete a Geofence

Remove a geofence.


DELETE /v1/geofences/{geofence_id}

Example Request

curl -X DELETE "" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"

Example Response

  "message": "Geofence deleted successfully"


  • Geofencing is currently in beta and available only for business users
  • Each user is limited to 10 geofences during the beta period
  • All trackables in a geofence must be of the same type (airtag, device, or beacon)
  • A trackable must have location data available before it can be added to a geofence
  • Geofences require a name, latitude, longitude, and radius
  • Multiple trackables can be added to a single geofence