Trackable Devices
Manage AirTags and other trackable devices with the AirPinpoint API.
Trackable Devices
The Trackable Devices endpoints allow you to manage and interact with AirTags, Devices, and Beacons associated with your account.
List Trackable Devices
Retrieve a list of all trackable devices associated with your account.
GET /v1/trackables
Query Parameters
(optional): Number of items to skip for pagination (default: 0)limit
(optional): Maximum number of items to return (1-100, default: 20)type
(optional): Filter by device type ('device', 'airtag', or 'beacon')
Example Request
curl -X GET "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"
Example Response
"id": "tag_123456",
"name": "Car Keys",
"type": "airtag",
"last_seen": "2023-06-15T14:30:00Z",
"battery_level": 0.85
Get Trackable Device Details
Retrieve detailed information about a specific trackable device.
GET /v1/trackables/{trackable_id}
Example Request
curl -X GET "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"
Example Response
"id": "tag_123456",
"name": "Car Keys",
"type": "airtag",
"last_seen": "2023-06-15T14:30:00Z",
"battery_level": 0.85,
"location": {
"latitude": 37.7749,
"longitude": -122.4194,
"accuracy": 10
Get Current Location
Retrieve the most recent location for a specific trackable device.
GET /v1/trackables/{trackable_id}/current_location
Example Request
curl -X GET "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"
Get Location History
Retrieve location history for a specific trackable device.
GET /v1/trackables/{trackable_id}/locations
Query Parameters
(optional): Number of items to skip (default: 0)limit
(optional): Maximum number of items to return (1-1000, default: 10)start_time
(optional): Start of time range (ISO 8601 format)end_time
(optional): End of time range (ISO 8601 format)
Example Request
curl -X GET "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"
Geofences (Enterprise Only)
List Geofences
Retrieve all geofences for your account.
GET /v1/geofences
Query Parameters
(optional): Number of items to skip (default: 0)limit
(optional): Maximum number of items to return (1-100, default: 20)trackable_id
(optional): Filter by specific trackable device
Create Geofence
Create a new geofence for a specific trackable device.
POST /v1/trackables/{trackable_id}/geofences
Delete Geofence
Delete an existing geofence.
DELETE /v1/geofences/{geofence_id}
Usage Statistics
Get Usage Details
Retrieve usage statistics for your account.
GET /v1/usage
Query Parameters
(optional): Start date for usage statisticsend_date
(optional): End date for usage statistics
Get Total Requests
Retrieve the total number of API requests made.
GET /v1/usage/total